


Léo Lebesgue
  • Edition: Demetera 2020
  • Category: narrative
  • Director: Léo Lebesgue
  • Runtime: 16:22
  • Release date: 2019-10-20
  • Producer: Léo Lebesgue, James Gentry
  • Writer: Léo Lebesgue, Fareed Kairon
  • Key cast: Leonor Oberson, Rodolphe Lechat
  • Country: France
  • Country of filming: France
  • Language: French
  • Description
  • Additional information
  • Director's bio

It's been six months. Six months Marie has not seen her brother, Max. One night she wakes up at a bus stop, a place she and her brother used to spend a lot of time together. And, out of nowhere, Max finally decides to show up.

  • Facebok:

Léo is a French actor/director who trained with the renowned acting coach Giles Forman for three years in Paris and London. While working and seeking to deepen his knowledge, he began to coach his fellow actors in stage plays and for auditions. This love of the craft brought him naturally towards the role of director. His first movie, Morituri, explores the pain and grief that comes from losing a loved one, something that Léo experienced first hand with the sudden passing of his father in the summer of 2018. ------- Léo est un acteur/réalisateur français formé pendant 3 ans auprès du coach d'acteur Giles Foreman, entre Paris et Londres. En essayant d'approfondir ses connaissances, il commença à coacher ses amis comédiens dans des pièces, ou encore pour des auditions en tout genre. Cet amour pour l'art de l'acteur l'amena naturellement vers le rôle de réalisateur. Son premier film, MORITURI, explore le deuil et la douleur qui accompagnent la perte d'un être cher, quelque chose que Léo a lui-même expérimenté avec la perte brutale de son père durant l'été 2018.